Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dementia of the alzheimer type.

A slow and gradual deterioration of brain cells of a human is called dementia. The patient affected by dementia is unable to function normally. There are various causes for a person to get affected by dementia; it could be a brain injury this could be categorized as fixed cognitive impairment. The brain injury may cause irreversible but a fixed impairment. There is another way that dementia affects is slow progressive dementia.

Dementia which begins gradually and worsens progressively over several years, this is usually caused by neurodegenerative disease. In this condition generally the neurons of the brain gradually and slowly lose function and this is irreversible. Dementia leads to memory loss, loss of familiarity to the surroundings, repetition of actions and many other disfunctions. The patient with dementia does not behave as normal person anymore and to recognize that he/she is affected by dementia in the initial stage is quite difficult. If the symptoms occur for more than six months or so then it is possible to diagnose dementia.

The hormone melatonin (treating dementia).

The hormone melatonin, released by the pineal gland and considered important in regulating sleeping behaviour, has been cited as a beneficial supplement for patients with sleep disturbances.

Sleep disorders and disruptive nocturnal behaviour associated with dementia present a significant clinical problem. A characteristic pattern of sleep disturbance referred to as 'sundowning' has been described. This shows itself in increased arousal and activity, usually in the late afternoon, evening or night and is a cause of increased stress for carers.

There is considerable theoretical evidence to support the use of melatonin as a treatment for sleep disturbance associated with dementia. Melatonin is a hormone implicated in the control of the sleep-wake cycle. It is stimulated during darkness and suppressed by light. While the effects of melatonin have been extensively studied in animals, there is growing evidence that melatonin is also involved in the regulation and control of sleep and waking patterns in humans. Dementia appears to disturb these patterns.

One small but well conducted study evaluated the effect of bright light therapy in combination with melatonin or a placebo on restless behaviour. Bright light therapy was found to help restless behaviour, but the addition of melatonin negated the effect. Further research in the use of bright light therapy is necessary. A review found evidence to support the use of light therapy from four small studies, but again with calls for replication of the findings.

Therapy for alzheimer's disease.

Dietary supplements
Good diet is essential for health. The use of vitamins and other supplements is often considered CAM even though it may not technically be so.

There is growing evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of these compounds, which are found naturally in fruit and vegetables, in preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease. Reviews of the existing work in this area have been done and several antioxidants have shown positive effects: in particular, vitamin E, selegiline and idebenone.

One study examined vitamin E (2,000 units daily), selegiline (10mg daily) and a combination of the two in Alzheimer's disease, for a two-year period. The results were positive, although there is some controversy over the way they were reported. There seemed to be fewer falls in the group taking vitamin E. The authors recommend replication of the study to confirm their positive results. A large study investigating the possible prevention of dementia in patients with mild memory problems by taking vitamin E daily is currently underway. A study of idebenone found it to have a positive effect in Alzheimer's disease, with a dose-dependent effect (a better effect with a greater dose). It was also found to be safe. Positive effect and safety remained good after two years on the supplement.

General nutrition
Weight loss in patients with Alzheimer's disease is a recognised problem. It seems to be due to lack of attention to proper nourishment rather than part of the disease process. Dietary supplementation can produce a significant increase in body weight amongst patients with dementia, as found in patients on a hospital ward. Nutritional awareness is important for elderly people in general: one study of 96 healthy individuals aged 65 or over found that dietary supplementation of vitamins and trace elements improved mental function.

Aromatherapy and Massage (treating dementia).

Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils derived from plants. The oils are generally:

•Applied directly to the skin, often accompanied by massage
•Heated in an oil burner to produce a pleasant odour
•Placed in a bath.
The oils are concentrated and should be used according to instructions - they should be diluted before being applied to the skin, for example.

Research funded by the Mental Health Foundation in 2000 highlighted the potential benefits of aromatherapy, specifically the use of melissa officinalis, or lemon balm, in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Researchers at Newcastle University's Medicinal Plant Research Centre believe that lemon balm may help prevent the loss of the key brain chemical acetylcholine. The loss of this chemical is one of the changes associated with Alzheimer's. Lemon balm may then work in the same way as the first generation of drugs for Alzheimer's disease, Aricept and Exelon.

This research suggests that aromatherapy may have a more specific role in the treatment of Alzheimer's than aiding relaxation. It highlights the need for further research.

In 2002, a paper by Alistair Burns in the British Medical Journal added weight to the potential benefits of aromatherapy for people with dementia, used as an alternative to neuroleptic drugs.

There are many different types and schools of massage in existence, but common to them all is the tactile manipulation of the body's soft tissue using the direct contact of the practitioner.

There is some evidence that aromatherapy - either alone or in combination with massage - is effective in helping people with dementia to relax. One trial compared aromatherapy and massage, aromatherapy and conversation, and massage only. It found that excessive 'wandering' could be reduced by aromatherapy and massage in combination.

Another study investigated lavender oil on a hospital ward, and showed a reduction in agitated behaviour. The benefits of aromatherapy and massage and expressive physical touch (which generally includes gentle massage) have also been reported, although one review of a number of studies reported inconclusive findings.

Herbal medicine (dementia help).

Treatments that have been shown to be useful for people with dementia
Herbal medicine
Herbal medicine is the use of plants to restore or maintain health. Phytomedicine is a term often used to denote a more scientific approach to herbal medicine, where, for example, products are standardised and concentrated to contain specified amounts of the identified active substances in the herbal products. More rigorous research is also usually undertaken.

There is variation in the quality and, therefore, the levels of the active constituents of herbal products. Herbal medicines are generally regulated as foodstuffs or dietary supplements in the UK. As such, there is the potential for self-medication, as they can be bought over the counter from most health food shops. If you are interested in selfmedication, consult your doctor first and buy a recognised brand by a leading manufacturer.


Silymarin is an extract of milk thistle (silybum marianum L), a tall herb with prickly leaves and a milky sap. Native to the Mediterranean region of Europe, it is now naturalised in California and the eastern USA.

Silymarin is alleged to help the functioning of the liver. It may reduce the side-effects experienced with Tacrine (a conventional drug used to treat dementia, not available in the UK) that may cause liver problems. One study found that 420mg of Silymarin a day seemed to reduce the number of cases of liver toxicity in those taking it and found that the drug was well tolerated.


'Kanpo' is a Japanese variant of Chinese traditional medicine. The 'Kanpo' mixture Choto-san, which contains 11 medicinal plants, has been the subject of investigation. A research study found an improvement over 12 weeks in patients with vascular dementia taking Choto-san. Further research on this preparation seems warranted.


Another Kanpo mixture, Kami-Umtan-To (KUT), which contains 13 different plants, has also been investigated. The KUT review reports that a clinical trial found a slower decline in the group given this preparation.

Yizhi capsule

The Chinese traditional herbal medicine Yizhi capsule (YZC) has also been the subject of investigation. Two studies used patients with vascular dementia. However, although both reported positive results, the studies were not of a high standard. Further research into this preparation also seems warranted.

Caring for the elderly (demetia).

As Alzheimer’s disease progresses, patients regularly lose the facility to express themselves, accelerating their feelings of isolation and discouragement. Communication problems can cause the inappropriate and agressive behaviors that can characterize Alzheimer’s patients. This may cause caregivers to feel concerned and depressed over their inability to speak with their family and friends. Learning easy techniques for conversing with Alzheimer’s patients can make this less difficult and thus improve the connection between caregivers and patients. To better communicate with Alzheimer’s patients, caregivers must first understand some of the challenges their family and friends face with the disease.

Because of their shortened attention spans, Alzheimer’s patients frequently become distracted and lose their train of thought. A boring conversation partner or a loud environment may impede their ability to have a productive dialogue.

Poor short term memory frequently causes them to repeat things they’ve already said. They may also forget what they were already told, annoying their conversation partner. It also takes much longer for them to verbalise what they are thinking, and they may not be able to grasp certain words. Finally, patients who are hard of hearing or legally blind, which are communication roadblocks in their own right, could find communication doubly annoying. When communicating with Alzheimer’s patients, it is useful for caregivers to keep these reservations in mind in order to communicate with their loved one from a place of compassion instead of impatience or tension.

While the restrictions that Alzheimer’s patients face in communicating are great, using some straightforward creative listening strategies can knock down plenty of the barriers between patient and caregiver. First, when conversing with Alzheimer’s patients, it is vital to keep in mind that they need to express themselves and may do so with their nonverbal expressions of emotion and behaviors as much as with their words.

These styles of communication shouldn’t be overlooked. Likewise, caregivers must listen nonverbally too with eye contact, a smile, or even through giving hugs.

Interrupting or disagreeing, which are obstacles to conversation in ordinary circumstances, can be especially exasperating for an Alzheimer’s patient, leading to disruptive behaviors. Caregivers must be patient and permit their loved ones additional time to communicate. Ultimately, it is vital to translate statements made by Alzheimer’s patients as both literal expressions and expressions of emotion.

Caregivers can also employ varied systems to boost their probabilities of being accepted by Alzheimer’s patients. They should create rapport first by introducing themselves and using the patient’s name. They should concentrate on fundamentals – talking slowly and clearly for short periods. If they have instructions to supply, they should break them down into manageable chunks that will not stress the patient’s attention span or memory.

Instead of using questions that need further reasoning from patients, they should ask yes or no questions. Instead of asking “How do you feel?,” instead ask “Are you feeling tired?” This recommendation runs counter to normal communication, but nonverbal communication and oral replies requiring simple words can speed communication with Alzheimer’s patients. Most significantly, caregivers should express themselves with love and concern rather than disappointment or impatience when talking with Alzheimer’s patients.

Dementia senile.

Alzheimer’s disease is an extremely upsetting form of dementia which can be characterized in numerous ways. It’s a progressive illness which worsens over time and is devastating to both the patient and their loved ones. Alzheimer’s disease can initially be subtle in its onset with just occasional lapses in memory and thought processes spotted by relatives and close friends.

Because Alzheimer’s is mostly found in older people, these “lapses” are often put down to age-related changes. On the other side of the coin, many older people have been misdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease when they have only age-related forgetfulness. In the earlier stages of Alzheimer’s disease, one of the classic symptoms is forgetting recent events or the names of people they know well. Solving math problems or a puzzle becomes too difficult for them. This may lead to frustration on the part of the individual who may realize there’s something wrong with them.

As the illness advances, these symptoms continuously worsen until ultimately the friends and family of the victim realize that something is seriously wrong. At this time, the patient may still be in complete denial. This makes it much tougher to get them to find help. In due course the issues related to Alzheimer’s disease become so bad they affect the person’s activities and daily living tasks. They may become so ill that they can no longer care for themselves. Even something as basic as cleaning their teeth, fastening buttons or tying shoelaces becomes too hard.

Eventually the person cannot think clearly at all. They do not recognize familiar faces or names. If english is their second language they lose their capability to communicate or understand it. They will also lose the facility to read and write. They frequently become totally uninterested in food, and caregivers will find it a nightmare making sure they’re kept well nourished. Eventually they may endure a radical personality change where they become agressive, use foul language and wander away from home. They may finally lose the power to walk. This is the stage where if they are still at home, the caregivers need to ask whether it might be fairer to both themselves and the Alzheimer’s patient for them to be cared for in a nursing facility.

At the time of writing, scientists haven’t yet discovered what really causes Alzheimer’s disease, though there is a lot of supposition. It is assumed that there’s possibly a mixture of factors. This would also account for why it’s so tricky to get a cure. It is also assumed that genetic factors can have a part to play.

It is said by a number of researchers that genetics plays a vital part in whether an individual will develop Alzheimers disease or not. It has been showed clearly that early onset Alzheimer’s disease (occurring between the ages of 30-60) is an inherited illness. So it’s a logical conclusion to reach. Although serious strides have been made into the study of Alzheimer’s disease, there’s sadly still a long way to go before a cure is discovered. Researchers still must study environment, health and diet before they can reach any positive conclusions. Now much of what’s “known” about Alzheimer’s disease is simply theory and guess work.

Loss of appetite (dementia caring).

Caring for an individual living with Alzheimer’s disease can be extremely challenging, particularly when the caregiver is trying to make sure that the individual is getting a healthy and nutritious diet.

Fairly often the individual loses interest in food. This may be in the early stages, often due to depression, or in the later stages when the person doesn’t realize they’re hungry or dehydrated. It is always recommended to go to their doctor if the absence of appetite is due to depression. This is very treatable and the appetite regularly returns once the depression has lifted. The person might also lose their appetite due to a sore mouth or poorly fitted dentures. Remember that regular mouth and dental care is important.

Loss of appetite could also be caused by the individual being inactive. Use gentle support to entice them into light physical activities like a walk around the neighborhood. Or help them gain an interest in a physical pastime like gardening. If the person has physical disabilities, you should ask their doctor what exercises might be beneficial. As Alzheimer’s disease develops into the later stages you might find that even if the patient is hungry, they don’t understand that they need to eat the food you’ve placed in front of them.

Remember to make gentle prompts to remind them to eat. They could find it beneficial if you eat with them. This could provide visible reminders of what to do and how. Some medicines that are prescribed for sufferers of Alzheimer’s disease can have an effect on the appetite. Their medicine can sometimes lead to bowel problems or a dry mouth. Do not forget to increase their liquid intake while ensuring that they’re receiving an acceptable amount of fiber in their diet. Damp foods such as sauces, gravy, and soups are far more beneficial in these circumstances. Coax the person to have a drink of juice or water while eating their meal. Sufferers of Alzheimer’s disease regularly experience problems with chewing and swallowing.

Watch out for them holding food in their mouths and coughing while trying to swallow. Attempt to offer foods that are simple to swallow and don’t require a lot of chewing. Cut back on foods where there’s a choking risk. If the inability to swallow begins having an impact on the diet, be sure to consult their physician. Employing a knife and fork may become troublesome because of the lack of co-ordination. The individual may begin feeling embarrassed and frustrated when they drop food. Try and offer finger foods to maintain their autonomy.

Some stores provide a delivery service, where orders can be placed by telephone or thru the web. This is a good method of guaranteeing a regular stock of fresh food and can help if time is limited or it is hard to get to the store while caring for the patient. There might be a charge for this service, so it’s best to ask first. You’ll notice that people that are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease have a change in their food preferences. Should their food preference become limited, there can be a danger that they aren’t receiving sufficient nutrients for a healthy diet. You may need to get recommendations from a dietician as food additions like protein improved drinks might have to be consumed.

Those with little appetite may not desire 3 large meals a day. If someone’s appetite is poor they’re not going to be seduced by large servings of food. Attempt to offer reasonable smaller portions and if consumed then offer further portions. Between mealtimes, offer healthy tasty snacks. You will also find that those with a smaller appetite favor their meals to be spread out into 5 or 6 small meals each day, instead of 3. The most important goal is finding what suits you both.

Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease gets its name from Alois Alzheimerwho was born in Southern Germany in 1864. Dr Alzheimer first described the disease in 1906 after performing an autopsy on the brain of one of his patients. Dr. Alzheimer discovered that the brain had virtually turned to a "sticky goop" with abnormal clumps and tangled bundles of fibers.

Today, these plaques and tangles in the brain are considered signs of Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Alzheimer had been treating the patient for a mental disorder that he described as "madness" but realized that the brain of the patient had literally been destroyed.

One hundred years later, researchers and medical science have not determined a definitive cause for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is a progressive brain disorder that destroys a person's memory and eventually hampers the person's ability to learn, reason, make judgments, communicate or carry out basic daily activities.

Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia. Dementia describes a group of conditions that gradually destroy brain cells and lead to a progressive decline in mental function.

People within the targeted age group who begin to feel that something may be wrong with their memory should immediately see their family doctor. There are diagnostic test and tools that Neurologist can use to determine whether or not a person has Alzheimer's disease.

If the doctor determines that there is some dementia, a referral to a specialist in neurology or a geriatric specialist may be provided. Since there are several types of dementia, a specialist may be needed to eliminate the other types of dementia to make a determination for Alzheimer's.

Some of the diagnosis tests given to patients to diagnose Alzheimer's include:

1) A clock drawing test. - The patient is asked to draw a clock and to put the numbers in their appropriate locations. The patient is then instructed to draw specific hours on the clock, i.e. 3:00 or 11:15.

2) Mini-Mental State Examination - The MMSE is a brief test that measures the cognitive status in adults. Part of the tests asks the patient a series of questions that are considered basic information concerning their surroundings. For example: the patient may be asked to name three household items that are in the room. After the patient responds, the questions are continued.

Then the reviewer may asks the patient again to name the original 3 household item. Sometimes the patient is asked to count backwards. The person is asked to name the three objects again.. The test is intended to screen for cognitive impairment and estimate the severity of their mental impairment.

3) Functional Assessment Staging Test (FAST) - involves a checklist of functions required for daily living. The test evaluates the changes in functional performance.

The person providing the test has a checklist of required activities and will "Check "Yes" if a characteristic is present. If problems are due to other causes apart from dementia (i.e., arthritis, paralysis or other disabilities, this will be noted) The reviewer will check "No" and note these other causes next to the characteristic.

The information is evaluated and the factors weighed. The information learned from these tests helps determine whether a person has Alzheimer's disease with an accuracy rate of about 90 percent.

It is important for older individuals to get tested when signs of dementia are present. Early testing can identify the problem and may eliminate Alzheimer's as the cause of lapses of memory. Some prescription medications may cause similar symptoms.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The difference between dementia and alzheimer's.

Dementia is a significant progressive brain dysfunction that continuously leads to an increasing limitation of daily activities. It sometimes starts with mild forgetfulness and end with significant brain damage.

Alzheimer’s is one of the most well known forms of the illness and it should be realized that it impacts not only the individual, but also those friends who surround them. The disease itself was named after a 19th century Doctor, Alois Alzheimer. He spotted bizarre changes in brain tissue of a woman who had died of a curious cerebral sickness which led her to become mentally deficient.

He found aberrant clumps (known as amyloid plaques) and tangled bundles of fibres (neurofibrillary tangles). These plaques and tangles in the brain are today considered classic signals of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is mostly related to negative, progressive memory loss. The symptoms customarily start with continual forgetfulness which generally becomes worse and is at last spotted by the family.

Forgetfulness starts to cause problems with daily activities. Those in the middle stages of the condition may forget a way to do straightforward tasks like brushing their teeth or combing their hair. The power to think obviously deteriorates and the individual regularly experiences language difficulties, degeneration of coordination, and loss of visual recognition. It is usually hard to diagnose the illness early but if you recognize any of the above signs, you should consult with the person’s doctor. As the illness advances the subject may become concerned or assertive and start to wonder away from the home. Unfortunately, many of these patients start to need full time care.

Though research has been intensive, no cure has been uncovered. It has been realized that there’s a relationship between aging and developing Alzheimer’s disease. As there’s no reversible cure, genetic factors make treating Alzheimer’s really hard. The illness generally develops after the age of sixty, and the chance goes up with age progression.

It should be noted that Alzheimer’s disease isn’t an ordinary part of aging. Younger folks could also get Alzheimer’s disease, although this is a lot less common. Other brain changes in folks with Alzheimer’s disease have also been found such as the eradication of nerve cells in locations of the brain crucial to memory and other psychological capabilities. The links between nerve cells are also upset. Lower levels of chemicals that carry messages forwards and backwards from the brain and nerve cells have also been uncovered. The reason for Alzheimer’s disease is still not recognized though it is assumed there are probably many factors influencing its development and the people that develop it. Age is the most vital risk factor as the quantity of folks with Alzheimer’s disease doubles each five years after they reach the age of sixty five. Scientist are also conducting research into a probable link to family history.

It is said genetics could also play an enormous role in the development of Alzheimer’s in several cases. Many risk factor genes may have interaction with both one another and non-genetic factors to cause the illness. A gene making one form of a protein called apolipoprotein E (ApoE) has been identified so far for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. ApoE helps in carrying cholesterol in the blood and it’s been found only about fifteen percent of people have the form that increases the chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a kind of dementia and a brain dysfunction impairing an individual’s ability to perform their usual daily activities. The most typical form of dementia among the elderly is Alzheimer’s disease. The illness affects the parts of the brain that controls thought, memory, and language. Sadly, scientists still aren’t able to pinpoint the precise factors behind the illness or a successful cure, though many remain hopeful as they learn more about the condition. It is surmised that in the States alone, 4.5 million suffer with Alzheimer’s disease. Though Alzheimer’s disease isn’t a standard part of aging, it most frequently develops in individuals that are over sixty years old. The chance of developing the illness increases as we age. Younger people have also been known to develop Alzheimer’s disease, though it is a lot less common.

The Illness itself was found and named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906 when he spotted major changes in the brain tissue of a female who died of a psychological sickness. These changes consisted of unusual clumps, which today are called amyloid plaques and tangled bundles of fibers now known as neurofibrillary tangles. During intensive research scientists have also found that nerve cells die. The links between nerve cells are disrupted in the areas of the brain that are critical to memory and other psychological capabilities. It has additionally been revealed that there are much lower levels of certain chemicals that carry messages between the nerve cells.

These conditions will result in impaired thinking and upset memory for the individual. Sadly, scientists are not able to confirm what precisely causes Alzheimer’s disease, though they think many factors can affect each person in alternative ways.

Since the quantity of people with the illness doubles after the age of sixty, age is believed to be a major risk factor. It’s also thought genetics is another vital risk as when the development of Alzheimer’s disease has been studied in younger people it’s been found that a close member of the family has also had Alzheimer’s disease. Though there appears to be a big link in family history for early onset Alzheimer’s, the more widely found type of late onset appears not to have a conspicuous inheritance pattern.

It’s also thought many risk factors may engage with one another to help with the development of Alzheimer’s. A gene that produces a protein known as apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and aids in carrying cholesterol in the blood has been identified as a heavy risk factor, even though it is estimated only 15% of individuals have the form that increases the danger of developing Alzheimer’s. Scientists believe there could be other genes that increase the chance of developing the illness, although these haven’t yet been found.

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease may not be obvious at first due to their slow development. They generally commence with mild forgetfulness and difficulty recollecting recent events. You might notice that the patient starts forgetting names of those close to them. If they’re older you might confuse this with age-related memory change.

Their abilities to solve straightforward math problems also starts to fade and as the illness continues to develop the symptoms become more apparent. Those in the middle stages of Alzheimer’s disease forget how to do everyday activities like dressing themselves, using the bathroom, or brushing their hair.

Their language deteriorates as they become unable to think clearly. Naturally this becomes exasperating for the individual and depression, nervousness, and aggressiveness may result. Alzheimer’s disease is mostly slow in its developments and there is presently no treatment which can stop its development. Sometimes sufferers live from eight to ten years following a diagnosis, though this varies from individual to individual and some have been seen to live as long as twenty years. There is much that is still to be learned about Alzheimer’s.

Age dementia.

The key to it all is using our brains. Here are only a few paths to boost our brain power and banish Alzheimer’s :

1. Take part in mental activities. Intellectual activities keep our brain cells firing. What’s that saying “Use them or lose them?” The same applies in this particular instance. By keeping yourself mentally active, you’ve got the capacity to not only develop new brain cells but also forge new neurological paths between the nerves in your grey matter. To paraphrase, you are keeping your cerebral cortex awake. If you’re retired, look into some adult continuing education classes at a local college or library. Tackle a crossword puzzle, sudoku, or word games. Attend cultural events like plays and concerts.

2. Work on your private life. A lot of research has demonstrated for years that having great friends promotes a longer life. Involve yourself in social activities. Go to your area block party and meet new people. Have a hobby? Find a local group that enjoys similar things you do. Walking clubs and canasta or bunko groups are favored. Volunteer at your local food bank or other community organization. Read or tell stories to kids at library activities. Walk your pet or travel with pals.

3. Get your body moving. Exercise is always a stimulus for boosting brain power. If you get the blood pumping, more oxygen feeds into your cortex, giving you a natural “high.” Besides, exercise improves your physical stamina! When you exercise, you are shedding weight, lowering your blood pressure and chance of stroke. Take a risk and try for a health club or gym membership. Access to varied exercise classes like yoga, tai chi, and heart activity like aerobics helps with skyrocketing brain power.

4. Get rid of the junky, preprocessed food. A sensible diet loaded in vegetables and fruit helps build brain cells. Lowering the cholesterol and fats in your diet not only lowers your chance of stroke or coronary, but it reduces the chances of Alzheimer’s. The term antioxidants has always been bandied about and hailed as a protector of brain cells. Some fish and nuts are excellent for you as is dark, leafy veggies. Visit a nutrition expert to develop the best eating plan for your way of life. You hear that life includes no guarantees. The same applies to the varied ways listed above to increase brain power.

It is irrelevant if you’re genetically inclined to have Alzheimer’s disease or not. Maintaining a healthy active approach to life never hurt anybody. Actually, following through with this “boosting brain power” plan can even slow or halt the illness. So rather than brooding about whether you “might” get Alzheimer’s, starting enjoying life and looking after it.

Dementia alzheimers disease.

For many, the term “Alzheimer’s disease” is a hazy term for a sickness they do not truly know very much about. It is only when a person who is close to them is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease that they begin to realize the true extent of this especially devastating illness. Alzheimers disease is a very severe form of dementia. Dementia is a brain disease which affects its sufferers to varying degrees. It depends on what kind of dementia they have and how progressive it is as to how much they will be influenced by it. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive illness which seriously effects an individual’s ability to perform their daily life.

Characterized at first by memory loss, it steadily progresses to where the person becomes only a shell of their previous self. (It is not called the living death for nothing!) Alzheimer’s disease effects the portion of the brain that involves thought processes, memory, and language. And though there’s continuing research into Alzheimer’s disease by pharmaceutical companies, scientists, and doctors, there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s.

Many of us believe Alzheimer’s disease to be an illness which is confined to the elderly. While older people certainly make up the majorority of sufferers, younger people can also develop Alzheimer’s disease. An individual is much more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease after the age of sixty, with roughly five percent of those in the 65-74 age bracket. It should be noted, however, that developing Alzheimer’s disease isn’t an ordinary part of the process of aging and shouldn’t ever be treated as such.

Alzheimer’s disease could only be diagnosed one hundred percent post mortem until quite recently. Diagnosis was often accomplished by a number of mental ability tests that the patient had to go through to discover the condition of their mind. This regularly led to a mis-diagnosis.

With the arrival of scanners and other specialized xray equipment if Alzheimers illness is suspected, a patient can be referred for tests and a definite diagnosis can now be made. One of the main traits of Alzheimers illness is unnatural clumps in the brain tissue known as amyloid plaques. They also have tangled bundles of fibers in their brain which are called neurofibrillary tangles. Other changes in the brain which scientists have discovered are the death or interruption of nerve cells in the areas of the brain which are vital for memory and thought. Some have speculated that particular chemicals that carry messages back and forth in the brain are lacking. If this is so, it may be the clue to why Alzheimer’s disease develops in the first place. Only time and further research will prove these speculations to be correct or not.

What is dementia?

Many of those who suffer with Alzheimer’s disease also suffer with depression. This is often due to several reasons, not always related to the Alzheimer’s disease itself.

In the initial stages of Alzheimer’s disease, the subject is mostly aware that they have memory impairment and this could frequently leave them confused and scared about their future. Alzheimer’s disease is a frightening illness, and the thought of what their future may hold can regularly lead to the 1st phases of depressive illness.

Depression can be an early sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, Quite often doctors don’t recognize the sort of dementia that has been due to depressive illness. However the indications of depression are typically recognisable when they cause dementia type conditions.

It’s vital that memory loss in an older individual is not instantly believed to be Alzheimer’s disease. Depression can frequently mimic the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Or if an individual does have both Alzheimer’s disease and depression, the depression can regularly be treated and their condition improved at least for a period of time. There is a lot of research being conducted into psychological illness including depression. Researchers aren’t truly sure why we develop depression, but it is said to be linked to changes in the brain. If these changes could be identified, then there’s the chance a cure could be discovered for some depressive diseases. Some people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease frequently display signs of depression.

These can include tearfulness, hopelessness, reduced appetite, restlessness and a reluctance to get involved in activities they have formerly enjoyed. They can also show evidence of boredom including extended periods spent sleeping.

Crying and feelings of worthlessness are also classic indications of depression, and if the person is a victim of Alzheimer’s disease they may refuse or be unable to help in their own self care, like washing or getting dressed. There may also be conspicuous declines in other talents like language, (particularly if English isn’t their main language), and particular motor abilities. Someone who is afflicted by Alzheimer’s disease may regularly wander from their home because they can not remember where they live. If symptoms like these endure, then this is a good indication the person suffers from some form of dementia which can include Alzheimer’s disease or multi infarct dementia.

If depression is diagnosed by a doctor, anti-depressant medicine could be prescribed. Medicines like these are helpful for those afflicted by depression and Alzheimer’s disease. You might find that the indicators of depression – like sadness and apathy – will fade, while the appetite and difficulty to sleep will improve. It’s also a good idea to keep a daily routine for the patient. Serious noises and over stimulation must be avoided if possible and the environment kept nice and tranquil.

Guaranteeing that the sufferer’s own private things surround them also helps to ease fears and stresses. The individual that suffers from Alzheimer’s disease also should be inspired to go on with everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning and gardening for as long as possible, though this should be done under supervision. Permitting someone to stay as independent for as long as they’re able will go a ways to aiding them in keeping their spirits up and depression in check.

Dementia or alzheimer's.

Over 5 million American citizens are at present living with Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers guess that ten percent of people over the age of sixty five and fifty percent of people over the age of 85 have the illness. US citizens are living longer, and a complete generation of Baby Boomers is heading into retirement. Accordingly, the quantity of North Americans with Alzheimer’s disease is predicted to triple by 2050. Such an amazing number of US citizens with Alzheimer’s disease will comprise a huge monetary burden on the health care system in this country. Today, the once a year price of caring for people in the U.S. with Alzheimer’s disease is close to $100 billion, and American companies lose close to $60 billion as a consequence of the illness.

More than half the $60 billion loss that companies sustain occurs as a consequence of the problems caregivers face balancing their work and the wants of their friends. Caregivers shoulder an amazing monetary burden themselves. Roughly 70% of Alzheimer’s patients live at home at a price of as much as $20,000 a year each. Nursing facilities, which are commonly obligatory for patients in the last stages of the illness, cost a mean of $42,000 a year. Financial difficulty is nothing, when put next to the physical, psychological, and emotional problems that patients with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers face.

A reported ten percent of Americans have a member of the family with the disease and as much as a 3rd of North Americans know somebody with it. From a clinical viewpoint, Alzheimer’s disease leads to total cognitive impairment, loss of all functional capability and, eventually, death. From a caregivers perspective, the illness slowly takes the mind of a family member, leaving only a body behind. While Alzheimer’s disease is a comparatively slow process of degeneration, the illness cuts a patient’s survival expectancy from the time when they’re diagnosed in half.

As an example, a sixty-eight years old patient who would have died at eighty-four is more likely to die at seventy-six. Additionally, the final 8 years of their life would be spent slowly losing the facility to think, move and even smile. A quick look at statistics illustrate that Alzheimer’s disease is not just an illness that has effects on older people. It has effects on everyone – black and white, old and young. The necessity for scientists to grasp the way to forestall, treat, or even cure the illness is critically necessary to the healthiness of our country and the planet.

While a remedy for Alzheimer’s remains as elusive, even delaying the beginning of illness symptoms by 5 years could cut the quantity of people with Alzheimer’s disease in half by 2055. Figures like these stress the significance of early detection. Up to date research suggests that sophisticated technology – e.g., MRIs and PET scans – may permit doctors to spot structural changes in the brain related to Alzheimer’s disease before symptoms even begin, and other researchers are looking for markers of the illness in spinal and cerebral liquid.

Dementia information.

New 10 minute test to determine whether a patient has Alzheimer's disease is the CANTAB Paired Associates Learning Test or PAL. This test is opening new doors of possibilities for the treatment of Alzheimer's by pinpointing with 98% accuracy whether a person has Alzheimer's disease.

An early concrete diagnosis of this dreaded disease may open the door for new drugs that can be tested on live subjects. The test is said to be able to make a distinction between those patients who are suffering from Alzheimer's and those individuals who have no neuropsychiatric disorder.

The accuracy of this test is said to be higher than any of the other Alzheimer's test like the FAST, or MME results. The CANTAB PAL test is reported at a 98% accuracy rate compared to the other test whose accuracy is 90%. Professor Robbins and Dr. Barbara Sahakian are the developers of the test.

"This test is more specific to Alzheimer's patients", states Dr. Sahakia, "The CANTAB PAL can test those areas of the brain that are first affected by Alzheimer's disease".

Since there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, the only alternative is for the patient to receive an early diagnosis in hopes that the disease can be treated.

It is estimated that 2-5% of people over 65 years of age and up to 20% of those over 85 years of age suffer from Alzheimer's disease.

Early detection and diagnosis are critical factors for the effective treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. This new test may someday provide the link from early detection to total cure. If there is a 98% accuracy rate, then pharmacological evaluations of victims of the disease will be more reliable.

Early detection of Alzheimer's can also speed up the research on preventive therapies. Whether those therapies are drug therapies, diet, or other techniques, Scientist will now have living subjects who can undergo stringent test to determine the true effects of these therapies.

The results of the study suggests that impaired performance on one neuropsychological test, CANTAB Paired Associates Learning (PAL), might serve as a marker for pre-clinical Alzheimer's disease. PAL is a stringent test for episodic memory.

How to stop panic attack

How to stop panic attack is probably a good question that millions of people may be wondering. There are differences present from individual to individual and as such, not everything may work for everyone. There are things that tend to work for a wide variety of people however, and we shall discuss one of these.

When an attack starts and even before it does, we may notice the usual symptoms. The growing feeling of anxiety, shorter and more frequent breaths, rapid heart rate, and the rest of them. Afterwards the panic, terror, and fear grips us for a period of time and is unrelenting in the process. How do we deal with this?

We can go about this is by relaxation. Granted it is not easy to grasp this concept when bombarded by the symptoms. First we will do a little practice that will make the process a bit more clear.

Find somewhere to sit, and focus the attention entirely upon being completely still down to every muscle and atom for at least 15-20 minutes. Try not to move at all during this time. Practice this once a day and eventually we may be able to sit down and can instantly relax and remain completely still.

How to stop panic attack when one actually starts to happen will become a simple process. Find a place to sit, and do the same thing you have practiced. Along with this, also move the attention from the fear towards remaining still. Also take controlled deep breaths to retain control. Keep this up until the symptoms have passed and you feel at ease again.

Testing for alzheimer's.

1. Periods of memory loss which they often describe as absence. It's the loss of recall that they're describing, unfamiliar with what it really means;

2. Loss of cognitive ability for a period of time, usually fairly short, but recurring. One woman described her experience of getting into her car and looking down at the gas and brake pedals, suddenly aware that she had no idea what to do.

She consciously made herself relax, with slow breathing, and gradually the knowledge returned. She had this same experience in other situations and had had an MRI arranged by her doctor who had suspected she might have brain tumor. Which she didn't. Extensive testing had shown nothing to account for these difficulties.
3. In a more fearful person, these episodes cause tremendous terror reactions which may manifest outwardly as inexplicable attacks of rage or the sudden manifestation of heavy drinking issues;

4. Emotional outbreaks of an unexpected kind of may begin to occur, sudden weeping, loss of emotional control, wild accusations of a kind that might sound paranoid but are actually extreme fear reactions;

5. Stories of neighbors stealing, people breaking in, intruders, may mark this priod of time also;

6. Odd stories that don't make sense -- losing the car, driving off and finding it hard to get home.

Few people are both willing and able to share their sense of disquiet with family members, but some do. One woman, who had been dealing with an increasing sense of incapacity to carry on as before, said to hr husband one day, "I don't know what's going on but there's something very wrong with me. I just can't do these things any more. You're going to have to."

After medical investigation, she was diagnosed as having a dementia of the Alzheimer's type. And her husband did indeed begin to take over the tasks that had once been hers.

Their situation was unusual in that she was very open and honest. Even though everyone knows about Alzheimer's now, people are still seldom that honest with each other. Denial is still the most usual thing that happens.

I suppose that people still feel like little children -- that if they say nothing, then nothing will be the real answer. Our societal issues is that we've made dementias of the Alzheimer's type so fearful and awful that no-one wants to be around it, not even people who have it.

Maybe we start to think about how we need to change all that and have it be just one more illness that we could learn how to deal with.

Early signs of dementia.

The first of the three stages of dementia may present with memory problems that the individual is able to hide. Other signs of dementia may exhibit as depression, lack of interest or initiative in some individuals, or in other words the inability to carry out plans. Still others may begin to have some personality changes and begin to have difficulty with expressing emotions.

Being aware of the early signs of dementia and seeking early treatment may prolong the early stage of this disease. At the present time, there is no cure for the progressive dementias, such as Alzheimer's. The present treatment for this disease is medication, nutrition and behavioral approaches.

Medications will assist with some of the irritability, anxiety and restlessness that many individuals with dementia experience. The most successful approach to providing care for the individual is through interpersonal communication. This is not an easy task, as by the time the diagnosis of dementia is given, the brain has already begun to deteriorate.

Communication is difficult not only for the caregivers, but for the individual with this diagnosis. They are having difficulty remembering any information. They have little to no ability to store any new information and minimal ability to quickly retrieve and respond to a situation in a timely fashion. This causes frustration, restlessness, an increase in anxiety and anger, in some individuals. Negative and unwanted behaviors, often displayed by the individual with dementia, are out of anger, frustration and restlessness. There is still an awareness of their inabilities to communicate and understand everything.

This awareness causes frustration and confusion and often results in acting out behaviors.

Early Signs of Dementia for Family Caregivers. Tips for a Successful Approach to Providing Care.

There are several different things a person with this new diagnosis and family caregivers should implement in to their lives. Research now shows, that brain fitness and physical fitness, promote new connections to form in the brain. So a brisk walk, daily, and utilizing a brain fitness program or even playing card games will be vital to promoting and maintaining well being. These activities can decrease the risk for insomnia, anxiety, depression and negative behaviors.

Good nutrition, such as a heart healthy diet is important. High in dark green leafy vegetables, fish, whole grains and fruit this is also a brain healthy diet!

Sensory impairment increases the chances of negative behaviors and feelings of depression. It is important to allow an individual time to see, hear, taste and touch. It is important that they have proper fitting teeth, hearing aides in and working, or eye glasses to see.

Patience and compassion are the keys to creating positive emotions in an individual suffering from dementia. It is important for the caregiver to focus on what the individual can do at this given moment versus what they are no longer able to do. Once a function is lost, it will not come back. As difficult as it is, you should never say "no." You cannot change the behaviors of the individual but you can alter their response. It is very important as a caregiver not to create an adversarial relationship with the individual for whom you are providing care. The goal of every interaction is to try and create a positive emotional response.

This approach takes a great deal of personal growth on the part of the caregiver. Your goal is to try to understand what the behaviors are trying to tell you. Every behavior is a form of communication. If you realize that the individual is getting upset or frustrated, try and figure out what is causing this frustration. Try taking a positive approach and suggesting another activity. Another approach is to ask questions about the topic they are focusing on. You can divert or distract them into another activity and help to give them a positive feeling instead of anger and frustration.

Being aware of the early signs of dementia are vital to an early diagnosis and treatment. Taking a proactive approach to learning as much as you can about the type of dementia will assist the family caregivers to prepare for the future care needs. Learning the tools to focus on the individual's strengths, will promote a better quality of life.

Early dementia symptoms.

Dementia is a health condition that affects mainly people in their latter years. It involves the gradual loss of mental ability, which results in the loss of memory, changes in personality and ultimately a loss of social ability. Dementia can be broadly defined in layman's terms as a condition where there is a deterioration of the brain capacity leading to intellectual impairment. However, it is important to state here that dementia is not a normal part of growing old and it is correct to state that to suffer this condition is unfortunate. This notwithstanding, it is the rise in the number of occurrence that is a cause for concern and the reason for this article.

There are a lot of conditions that predispose people to dementia especially conditions that bring about a level of damage to thinking, memory, reasoning and language, these includes diseases like Alzheimer's or meningitis; things like brain tumor which causes pressure to the brain, or a lack of blood and oxygen supply to the brain caused by conditions like stroke, sustained head injuries could also lead to dementia latter in life.

Dementia is regarded as an old age condition because most of the sufferers are age over 60 becoming more common and prevalent with advance in age, about six people in 100 develop dementia over age 65 and the number rises to a staggering 20 in 100 for people over age 85 with the chances of developing it when under age 65 are as low as 1 in 1,000.

Dementia might occur as a result of the presence of different diseases and conditions such as Alzheimer's, Pick's disease or simply aging. The persistence of the following conditions can also lead to dementia e.g. depression, anxiety, anemia, and infections such as syphilis and AIDS, vitamin deficiencies, and hypothyroidism.

It is very important to distinguish between impaired memory and age related memory difficulties. This could be very difficult to carry out without appropriate memory tests. While age related memory loss is simply due to loss of memory neurons (brain cells) meaning they just grow old and weak, memory impairment is a destruction of these cells without aging due to disease.

When detected early dementia can be slowed down allowing the patient to kind of slowly adjust and with the help of family and friends the stress and frustration that accompany it would be lighter.