Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What is dementia?

Many of those who suffer with Alzheimer’s disease also suffer with depression. This is often due to several reasons, not always related to the Alzheimer’s disease itself.

In the initial stages of Alzheimer’s disease, the subject is mostly aware that they have memory impairment and this could frequently leave them confused and scared about their future. Alzheimer’s disease is a frightening illness, and the thought of what their future may hold can regularly lead to the 1st phases of depressive illness.

Depression can be an early sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, Quite often doctors don’t recognize the sort of dementia that has been due to depressive illness. However the indications of depression are typically recognisable when they cause dementia type conditions.

It’s vital that memory loss in an older individual is not instantly believed to be Alzheimer’s disease. Depression can frequently mimic the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Or if an individual does have both Alzheimer’s disease and depression, the depression can regularly be treated and their condition improved at least for a period of time. There is a lot of research being conducted into psychological illness including depression. Researchers aren’t truly sure why we develop depression, but it is said to be linked to changes in the brain. If these changes could be identified, then there’s the chance a cure could be discovered for some depressive diseases. Some people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease frequently display signs of depression.

These can include tearfulness, hopelessness, reduced appetite, restlessness and a reluctance to get involved in activities they have formerly enjoyed. They can also show evidence of boredom including extended periods spent sleeping.

Crying and feelings of worthlessness are also classic indications of depression, and if the person is a victim of Alzheimer’s disease they may refuse or be unable to help in their own self care, like washing or getting dressed. There may also be conspicuous declines in other talents like language, (particularly if English isn’t their main language), and particular motor abilities. Someone who is afflicted by Alzheimer’s disease may regularly wander from their home because they can not remember where they live. If symptoms like these endure, then this is a good indication the person suffers from some form of dementia which can include Alzheimer’s disease or multi infarct dementia.

If depression is diagnosed by a doctor, anti-depressant medicine could be prescribed. Medicines like these are helpful for those afflicted by depression and Alzheimer’s disease. You might find that the indicators of depression – like sadness and apathy – will fade, while the appetite and difficulty to sleep will improve. It’s also a good idea to keep a daily routine for the patient. Serious noises and over stimulation must be avoided if possible and the environment kept nice and tranquil.

Guaranteeing that the sufferer’s own private things surround them also helps to ease fears and stresses. The individual that suffers from Alzheimer’s disease also should be inspired to go on with everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning and gardening for as long as possible, though this should be done under supervision. Permitting someone to stay as independent for as long as they’re able will go a ways to aiding them in keeping their spirits up and depression in check.

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